Lalitha Sahasranama or 1000 Names of Goddess Lalitha is taken from Brahmanada Purana and divided into 3 parts. The first part is called ‘Poorva Bhaga’ the middle portion which ‘Stotra’ which consists of 1000 Namas/names and the last part is called ‘Uttara Bhaga’. The Poorva Bhaga talks about its origin. The Uttara Bhaga gives details of the benefits of recitation of this Lalitha Sahasranamam. Lalitha Sahasranamam came directly from Lord Shiva,who passed it to Nandi.From Nandi,it went to Lord Hayagriva and then to Sage Agasthiyar. Maharishi Vyasa then conveyed it to the world. If anyone chants it on full moon day, all his/her diseases will vanish and will attain a long life. To get rid of any planetary effects like graha dosha,sani dosha etc,store the water in a pot,and while chanting the 1000 names and sprinkle the water on ourselves. All the planetary problems will be solved. In homes where Sree Lalitha Sahasra namam is chanted reg...